Saturday, December 4, 2010

French automaker Renault encourages stripping for fun, profit

2011 renault wind black static 450x252 French automaker Renault encourages stripping for fun, profit
If you happen live in the UK, Renault is offering you a chance to win one of its diminutive new Windconvertibles. All you or a friend has to do is strip down from “winter clothes” to a single layer of clothing on video in less than 12 seconds. Not coincidentally, the dozen seconds are how long it takes to flip the Wind’s lid and go from closed coupe to open-top roadster.
Of course, it’s not as simple as just shedding some clothes… because plenty of people will beat the timeline. Renault is also looking for some creativity in what the contestants wear, where they strip or who accompanies them. In order to encourage some spontaneity, Renault is even offering up a couple display screens in London and Manchester with a timer and the car opening up.
Once entrants have finished their videos, they can upload them to or YouTube for judging. The winners will be selected by panel of judges after the contest closes on September 30. Want to get to strippin’ yourself? Click past the break for all the details.